Blockbuster x 10 Barrel Brewing

What do you do when your client, a small, regional craft brewery in Bend, Oregon wants to get national consumer press with a regional budget? Well, you get creative. And you tap into consumer nostalgia in a big, blockbuster-y way.

My team and I worked with 10 Barrel to partner up with the iconic video rental house to release an exclusive 10 Barrel Blockbuster beer – The Last Blockbuster – and host a Blockbuster-themed block party at the last Blockbuster in America that just so happens to be in the brewery’s hometown of Bend, OR.

Once we landed an exclusive in Business Insider, the campaign was off to the races earning 598 media placements and 765.5M impressions. Needless to say, the campaign went viral, and even major brands like Netflix and AirBnb later tapped into the Blockbuster-revival trend to spur campaigns and content of their own.


Migos x Can-Am Year One