I’m an integrated marketer and celebrity partnership architect who blends creativity, strategy, culture, and clear communication to drive brand awareness and win audience attention.

Creativity and culture were rooted deeply within me from a young age.

My story starts in the 90s when I first participated in Odyssey of the Mind, a team-based, statewide creative problem-solving competition — nerd alert 🤓. At the same time, I was fascinated by creative magazine ads and celebrity editorials, my pre-internet portal to the outside world, so much so that I wallpapered every last inch of my room with them. I’ve been flexing those creative and culturally curious muscles ever since.

Fast forward to the present, and not surprisingly, I love using creativity to bridge brands with culture and build ideas that move.

With over a decade of PR, marketing, and creative comms expertise, my bread and butter is driving brand awareness and consumer loyalty through creative, top-funnel campaigns with an emphasis on earned storytelling.

While I enjoy creative problem-solving in any form, I love to challenge and push boundaries utilizing lateral thinking and cultural trend forecasting. I love to disrupt the status quo and believe the biggest risk you can take is taking no risk at all.

This lends itself to my passion for partnering BIPOC/LGBTQ+ celebrity talent with consumer brands in an effort to celebrate culture and trends at their source, push for greater representation in marketing, and in doing so, create authentic spaces to center underrepresented voices.

My strategy is simple:

  1. Uncover sticky consumer insights (the why)

  2. Connect brands to culture in unexpected ways (the how)

  3. Communicate the story thoughtfully across channels (the where)

How to work with me:

  • Creative CPR: Bring fresh creative energy to revive accounts that lost their mojo

    Lightning Speed: Newsjacking / quick-turn idea support at the ready

    Ideas that Move: Help integrated/digital teams optimize campaign concepts and ideas for earned (ie. give the ideas legs)

    Evergreen / Always On: Creative think-tank to supply monthly delivery of evergreen ideas in support of busy account teams / retention of client business or upsells

  • Connecting Dots: Develop creative ways for brands to authentically connect to culture through creative mashups and active pipeline of festivals/events/musicians/athletes/celebrities

    Celebrity Talent Consulting: Evaluate and assess celebrity ideas and strategies. Does it make sense for your objectives, your creative, your budget? Are you overlooking specific groups who would better tell your story?

    Partner Engagement: End-to-end celebrity / creator / brand partnership strategy, deal-making and execution

  • Consumer Truths: Uncover sticky consumer insights

    New Ideas: Translate insights into creative campaigns (with a flair for the non-traditional and big swing ideas)

    Existing Ideas: Tweak existing campaign ideas to optimize for earned

    Slide Help: Build, polish, proofread, or design

    What if 🤔…: Teaser ideas to showcase team’s creative thinking outside the brief – a little icing on the cake

  • Development: I can develop your brand strategy inclusive of brand mission, narrative, positioning, audience definition, values, and persona, ensuring consistent messaging and visual representation across all platforms which is critical to emerging brands. This lets low-awareness brands begin to establish audience recognition, drive trial and build consumer loyalty and repeat purchase.

    Application: I can work with your team to create equity-building strategies that leverage the brand’s distinctive narrative into website content, paid / organic social, campaign creative, PR strategy, investor / fundraising decks, and more.